History of Human Races In India

History of Human races in India The study of orgin of races and human evolution is called anthropology it is very important to knoe about our genes and orgins. It is very useful for the medical world. Today me Rodger Bloor is going to write an article about the Ethnic Races In India. India is a land of many races. The story of how people In India come in different, shapes, sizes and skin colours is a very big story. Where were the human beings when all of this was happening ? Most scientists agree that human beings first evolved in Africa around 2,00,000 years ago. The San tribe of the Kalahari (also called the Bushmen) is probably the oldest surviving population of humans. A genetic study of the members of this tribe revealed that they show the great genetic variation of any racial group. This means that they are likely to be the descandants of the earliest modern human population. We are survivors from a large family tree. There were many challenges...