Covid-19 economic effects, China's rise, foreign policy and Indian Economy.

Covid-19 economic effects, China's rise, foreign policy and Indian Economy. Introduction I have been writing about my travel experiences all these days. But this one is different and my usual travel stories are not possible now due to covid-19. This post is about economics, diplomacy and covid 19. A different kind of a post. I will be discussing 4 topics in this post. They are economic effects of Covid on the world, China's rise as a global super power and its irresponsible handling of covid, its aggressive foreign policy and then finally should India choose Capitalization over socialism. Covid 19 Economic effects Fall in the GDP growth. This pandemic has just taught us how dependent we are on others and how dependent one country is on another country. The shutting down of industries and halting of farming activities have hit the global supply chain resulting in the deficiency of food supplies in many parts of the world. The recent US-China Trade war has resulted in the slow...