Reasons behind formation of fog in India

Reasons behind formation of fog in India

Reasons for the winter fog in India
Advective and Radiation two different types of fog generally form in the subtropics around latitude 25°N.
The former category of fog forms in the coastal areas due to constant moisture feed from the water bodies and the latter forms on a humid night with clear skies after the passage of western disturbances.
North India
Dense fog in Delhi and north India from December  to January is very common. This leads to massive delay and cancellations of flights and trains. The reason for fog in North India is entirely because of a weather system called western disturbances. The western disturbance affecting the state of Jammu and Kashmir sometimes leads to a sudden reversal of winds from the normal dry and cool north westerly winds to humid easterly and southeasterly winds which could cause widespread fog in the plains of North India. The low wind speed is also a reason for dense fog remaining for a long time. Delhi is the city with the worst and most dense fog in the north India.
East and Northeast India
Fog in East India has also been very thick and dense causing major flight and trains delays. However the reason for fog formation in this part of the country is the proximity to water (River Ganges) and slow wind Speed. In the hilly areas of North East the characteristics of fog is totally different from North India. The terrain of North East is a mixture of everything, from hills and valleys to mountains, which is conductive for trapping the fog for a longer duration. North East is well known for its dense fog in winter due to the continuous flow if moisture from the River Bhrahmaputra. Patna and Kolkata are the cities which witness dense fog in East India.
Central India
Dry Central India generally escapes the wrath of fog in winter season. However places close to the subtropics at around 23°N like Jabalpur, Nagpur and Indore do witness fog sometimes. Changing weather conditions in the North leads to rare occasions of fog in Central India.
South India
Fog in South India could sound quite surprising for those who thought fog was a common feature only in the northern part of the country. Inspite of being surrounded by water bodies fog in South India is very Location specific. Bangalore for example is known for its dense fog and smog in the winter months largely because of its high air pollution levels, high wind chill and adequate moisture content in the air. Massive flight delays and cancellations happen due to dense fog and smog in Bangalore. Light to moderate fog is even observed in the cities of Hyderabad and Pune.
Author:Rodger Bloor (Gurunithyan Rahul)


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