Bangalore Climate

Bangalore Climate Bangalore Climate Bangalore Climate is Constantly changing lets work together to stop the Climate change and formatiob of Urban heat Islands in Bangalore. Bangalore Climate Climate of Bangalore Bangalore experiences a tropical savanna climate in borderline with semi arid climate. Bangalore lies in the Deccan Plateau. It is in the state of Karnataka in South India.There are mainly three seasons 1.Summer March-May These months are hot and dry with hot breeze blowing throughout the day. The thunderstorms give relief from the heat during the summer months. The precipitation is 0 in March and 30Millemeters in April and 100MM in May due to the premonsoon activity visible during the last week just before the onset of Monsoon. Summer months usually have dry days. It usually rains in the evening. 2.Monsoon June-October The onset of Monsoon makes it very cloudy. Most if the days ...