Eco friendly ways to curb air pollution

Eco friendly ways to curb air pollution 

Air pollution has become a global issue in the recent years. If we do not stop polluting the air then our world is going to become a messy place. So I am Rodger Bloor and today in this blog I present Eco friendly ways to curb air pollution. The meaning of Eco Friendly is not harmful to the environment. 

Saving Electricity (My view)

Saving electricity is an Eco friendly way to reduce air pollution because in most parts of the world electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels. So if we save electricity we can reduce the total  requirement of electricity. If we reduce the requirement of electricity we can reduce burning fossil fuels for producing that electricity  which we would be otherwise wasting  due to our carelessness. 
Eg; Do not forget to turn off the light while you are going out of a room. 

Saving Electricity  

In most cases, electricity is produced by the burning of fossil fuels. This practice releases large amounts of exhaust gases that add to the dangerous levels of air pollution that is already destroying human lives. Therefore, as a rule, make it a practice to switch off any burning light or moving fan as you move away from a room.

Control Waste by using the 3rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)

Do not throw away all that you do not use now. It is easy to throw stuff, but remember that any object that ends up in a landfill contributes to the generation of more methane and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and its harmful effects. Put every unwanted or old object to new use. Make seats out of used tires and chairs with old bathtubs.

Explore Alternate Energy Sources


Alternate clean sources of energy that are much in vogue today are wind, geothermal, solar, etc. Governments of countries are offering various sops for those that are ready to install solar power plants in their homes. This will serve to reduce air pollution to a considerable extent.
The Governments of all countries should take initiative to replace thermal plants and use renewable energy resources to produce electricity. 
Example; Hydro Electrcity, Solar Energy etc. 
It is not only the responsibility  of the government to start taking initiatives it also our responsibility. Every house should install a rooftop solar plant. In this way we can stop fossil fuels getting burnt for producing electricity required to light up our houses.

Some other Eco friendly ways to reduce Air pollution.

Use CFL, and now, LED lamps, instead of fluorescent or filament lamps. They last longer and consume less energy. Use electric devices with a ‘five-star’ energy rating. These are the more energy efficient devices. By consuming less energy they contribute to the reduction of air pollution.

If a large number of people adopt environmental friendly ways to reduce air pollution, the job is half done. As an example, you could choose to wear an extra sweater to feel warmer and help to save energy spent on heating your home. Turn off the water tap when you are not using the water (while brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc.). Dry out your clothes on a clothes-line. Do not use a dryer.

These are only a few ideas. You can come up with your own inexpensive and innovative ideas to reduce air pollution and encourage sustainable living. It pays to spread these ideas in groups so that the balance can be achieved faster. More environment-related volunteering activities by large groups (personal, industrial and governmental levels) will surely help in the longer term.

Using Public Transport

Use public modes of transport and carpools when there is more than one person wanting to move out of the same locality. Both these methods are way cheaper than traveling in one’s own car and save tremendously on energy costs and contribute to a reduction of exhaust and air pollution. 
Author; Rodger Bloor (Gurunithyan Rahul)


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