Jharkhand Economy
Jharkhand Economy Jharkhand Mineral State of India which is suffering from Resource curse. Jharkhand is a very mineral rich state. It produces many minerals. Jharkhand has several towns and innumerable villages with civic amenities. Urbanization ratio is 24.1% and the per capita annual income is US$726.8. Jharkhand also has immense mineral resources: minerals ranging from (ranking in the country within bracket) from iron ore (1st), coal(3rd), copper ore (1st), mica (1st), bauxite (3rd) Manganese, limestone, china clay, fire clay, graphite (8th), kainite (1st), chromite (2nd), asbestos(1st), thorium (3rd) sillimanite, uranium (Jaduguda mines, Narwa Pahar) (1st) and even gold (Rakha Mines) (6th) and silver and several other minerals. Large deposits of coal and iron ore support concentration of industry, in centres like Jamshedpur, D...